Un cane bianco e marrone che corre in un campo d'erba.

Unisciti a Kong

come play for a living

Play is at the heart and soul of what we do at the KONG Company, where our roles and core responsibilities are making sure that we fulfill a dog’s need to play. We are committed to being a great place to work and building a brand that makes a difference in the world. We believe that it is at the heart and soul of play where we are able to solve problems for dogs, cats, and humans around the world. We’ve been spreading our solutions around the globe for over 40 years and continue to build new opportunities within the KONG Company. If your ears are perked, click below to see how you can join us!

Un cane a pelo lungo bianco e nero sdraiato sull'erba con un KONG Classic in bocca che guarda verso l'alto.

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Cane peloso dorato sdraiato su un letto blu che guarda la telecamera

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